Sunday, August 30, 2009

Perfect Picture

Ryan came home with a family picture that she drew at school. I think her picture reinforces my last posting of my pregnant belly.
As my good friend Larissa said "HOLY BELLY" The picture shows exactly how I feel. It just sticks out there.


Emilee said...

It's a perfect likeness. Slim, slim Tracy, basketball belly.

Anonymous said...

too funny. I got a kick out of this.

Jeff and Larissa said...

LOVE the picture!!! Although I didn't realize that you were carrying the baby on your hip. Ryan is quite the artist!

john-n-jess blomstedt said...

That is awesome Tracy! Ryan is truly such a stunning and accurate artist! I'm sure as one of her first pre-school teachers, I can take some credit. Just Kidding! I am seriously impressed with the picture though!

ss said...

That is the best. Kids are so funny. Janice texted me today to tell me that Maia went up to a guy at the pool today and told him his belly looked really weird.

Michael n' Brooke Sanderson said...

Love the drawing, notice you are still smiling.

Bonnie said...

Too funny! I love it!

Mike and Kelly said...

It makes me want to rub it. I love pictures that kids draw. They are always flattering. You look fantastic.

becca said...

he he!! thats awesome!

Becki said...

Cute! That is one picture that needs to be saved forever. Hope you are hanging in there!

Happy birthday too! Hope you had a great day :)

Lanea said...

I LOVE IT!! That is a picture to keep for history FOR SURE!!!